
I was the Feature Designer and User Interface Designer for the Companion Update(1.4.0) for ‘Into The Dead 2’. It is an Runner styled game where you must run forward, avoiding or shooting Zombies, and getting to the end.


The Companion System

The original release of ‘Into The Dead 2’ featured several Companions that you could take along with you in a stage to take down Zombies - one that was free, and the rest which were a single IAP to own. The team wanted to change this so that they could have an upgrade system for each, as well as be earned through Boxes and Events.

I designed the new way to unlock Companions - via Treat boxes, determined how their upgrade path would work, how those who already purchased them via IAP would work, and how this could work in the future. Part of this was also developing the UI for this feature.

The companion system has since been used a lot for events - adding Bears, Tigers and more into the game.

I built up a spec for how this would work, and balanced the initial companions for how long it would take to upgrade them all.